Plein Air Painting skeleton and skele-mingos at Cornell Farms October 21, 2015

Plein Air Painting the skeleton and skele-mingos at Cornell Farms October 21, 2015. Great pumpkins and Halloween decorations. This is a stop-motion video made with Komadori app on my cell phone. I took a frame every 10 seconds. is the Cornell Farms website.

Skele-mingos painting at Cornell Farms 2015-10-21

Blues Brothers from 2014 Paintout at Cornell Farms.

Brooks and skeleton at Cornell Farms.

Yolanda feeding the skele-mingos at Cornell Farms
 Yolanda joined me painting the skeleton and skele-mingos.Look how close she is to the skele-mingos. She is fearless.

Yolanda Valdez-rementeria and her skeleton painting.

Yolanda's wonderful skeleton painting at Cornell Farms'


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