Veterans Day Paintout at Vietnam Memorial in Portland Oregon

Plein air painting at the Vietnam Memorial in Portland Oregon November 11, 2015 with Kara Wilde, Humberto Gonzalez and Yolanda Valdes-Rementeria.  After raining over night it was cool and cloudy at Hoyt Arboretum. Fall colors were in abundance. Several people stopped to talk as if talking to another person would make being here in the quiet memorial easier.

Humberto Gonzalez with his watercolors.

Yolando Valdez-Rementeria making bold strokes.

Kara Wilde painting at the Vietnam Memorial.

Kara Wilde's painting.

Brooks' painting of the pedestrian bridge of the Vietnam Memorial.


  1. Over painting in this work, I see no sumi stick as if the work has begun without you. Most excellent. I do love promoting old work to new work.


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