Painting Roses at the Centennial Celebration of the International Rose Test Garden in Portland Oregon

Saturday, August 26th, Portland Parks celebrated the Centennial of the International Rose Test Garden in Portland Oregon. Oregon Society of Artists participated in the celebration by plein air painting roses and providing an opportunity for kids and adults to paint roses. 5000+ people attended the event and hundreds stopped by the OSA table to paint roses. There are a lot of rose painters out there. Peggie Moje, Sandra Pearce, Michael Musto, Randall Vemeer, Kara Wilde, and Myself painted roses. While Nancy Klos, Sharon Hall, and Yolanda Valdez-Rementeria enabled the hundreds of kids to paint rose themselves. I have never seen such dedication on the part of the kids and adults. We also had two eagle scouts helping us all day, Tony Kollman and Neil. Tim and Barbara Mahoney provided transportation and support all day also. Thanks everyone for a great event.

Nancy Klos


Rose Painter

Nancy Klos and friends

More painters

Peggie Moje's "Roses"

Randall Vemer drawing roses.

Yoland and Bobbie

Kara Wilde

Michael Musto and Sandra Pearce

Sandra and painting

Sandra's people

Sandra's roses

Sandra's Roses
Brooks and painting

Tony Kollman and Neal

Yoland and Bobbie


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